Mappia API

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General Information

Some General information that may help in sharing and using maps

visibleLayers: Number


Define the initially visible layers.

visibleLayers < 0  // Lower than zero: shows the first defined maps as visible (From top to bottom).
 visibleLayers > 0 // Higher than zero: shows the last defined maps as visible (From bottom to top).
 visibleLayers = 0 // Start with no layer visible.
 visibleLayers = 'custom' // Visibility defined in each map by 'visibility: {Boolean}' property.
 visibleLayers = null // No limit of visible layers.
Defaults to 100

description: Object


Raw Maps operations: 'normal' (NORMAL): A normal map is a map with each cell representing a legend/color and aren't a RAW Maps type. 'raw' (RAW): Each cell in resulting map has the value of ther most centered cell in aggregated region. 'rgba' (RGBA): Each cell in resulting map has a integer value representing the RGBA composition. PS: Tanto o resultado como o input são inteiros representando valores RGBA. 'sum' (SUM): Each resulting cell is the weighted sum of cells in the covering region. PS: The weight used is the proportion of the covered area against the total area of the cell i.e. VALUE * COVERED_PERCENTAGE. 'average' (AVERAGE): Each cell is the resulting of the weighted mean of cell in the covered region. i.e. Sum(A) / Sum(B) : A is CELL_VALUE * COVERED_PROPORTION, B is COVERED_PROPORTION. Example: A full covered cell the COVERED_PROPORTION is 1, and the half covered cell the proportion is 0.5 . 'max' (MAX): Each resulting cell is the greater cell that is at least partially covered in the given region. 'min' (MIN): Each resulting cell is the smaller cell that is at least partially covered in the given region. 'integral' (INTEGRAL): A technique that allows to calculate the sum in a region just inspecting the cells on the boundaries of a retangular area i.e. calculate sum in a region using only 4 points. 'areaintegral' (AREAINTEGRAL): ? 'area' (AREA): Each cell carry the original map area in the aggregated region. ?PS: Esse simplificador agrupa as áreas do mapa original e permite avialiar a área do mapa minimizando erros de calculos de área causados pela reprojeção uma vez q a própria célula armazena esse valor. 'cells' (CELLS): Weighted sum of the cell quantity in a given region.

Configuring Layers

Properties that allow to, define, custumize, provide functionalities to layers

title: String


#TODO VICTOR: Posição aleatória Defines the title of the group, which is displayed on top.


color: String


#TODO VICTOR: Posição aleatória Defines the color of the group's title.


elements: Array.<Object>


#TODO VICTOR: Posição aleatória Defines the layers that belong to the layer group. PS: It is optional since groups can be created as an Array.


getLayerLegend: function(composedLayer, index) : Array


Get the associated layer legend content by its index. PS: The legend format is the same as expected by the composedLayer.setCalculateLegend function. Usage:this.setCalculateLegend(ExtjsUtils.Layer.getLayerLegend(composedLayer, 0)); @param composedLayer {OpenLayers.Layer.Composed} Layer composed. @param index {Numeric} Index of the inside layer.


source: String


Define the source of the layer. EX: xyz, calculate, local, file, ... PS: If two layers colide returns the first that best fits. For example it is possible to use source name to match. Ex: XYZ:Layer vai buscar primeiro nos layers dentro dos stores e só depois vai forçar o 'xyz' store. XYZ as layer in calculate map


runNow: function()


Set functions to be called after layer definition but before load layers.

Usage: ExtjsUtils.QUERY.setQueryGlobalProperties({
 runNow: function(){...}

Function that controls the execution of runNow.

functions: Array|null


Allows to create custom functions on the context of each layer. These functions can be used in any tool callbacks, in the tool callback must use the same name in this 'functions' property. PS1: Functions are only visible inside this layer. PS2: Functions may be accessed by tools callbacks using its property name as (this.functions.['onClick']) to refer the following onClick function: functions: { onClick: function() { ExtjsUtils.ALERTIFY.log("Clicked Button"); } }


source: String


#TODO VICTOR: testar se está documentado, link para parte correta Verificar nome da função de criar source Defines layer source. 'local' - Maps available at Mappia server. 'calculate' - Combination of maps, allow map algebra. 'xyz' - Maps that use maps WMTS-like for map source. 'file' - Maps using data from data as csv or json. PS: It is possible to define other source using function ExtjsUtils.função

Defaults to 'local'

extents: Array


Override the map extents with a custom one. Extents must be in EPSG:4326 (coordinates in lat,long) array: [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] PS: All tiles within area will be requested.

[-180.0000, -90.0000, 180.0000, 90.0000] for full world.

name: String


Defines which maps are rendered in a layer. This string consists of map names separated by commas. Uses the full name of maps.


legendTitle: String


Defines a title for the map legend.


beforeCalc: Funtion


Function to be called always before the expression calculation. Ps: Even if maps don't have 'expression' function 'beforeCalc' function will be called. Ps2: This function is called synchronously and the context is the map layer. Ps3: This function can do useful things that depends on layer load end.

       beforeCalc: function(inputs){

legendColor: function


Function to treat the color associated to each value/category. PS: This function callback is called in layer context. @param color {Array} Three numbers (0 to 255) to define the RGB color. @param inputs {Array} Array of widgets. @param lastValue {String} Last maximum title. @param currentValue {String} Current maximum title. @param ruleIndex {Numeric} Rule input index.

     legendColor: function(color, inputs, lastValue, currentValue, ruleIndex) {
         return [0,0,0];

afterCalc: function


Callback called immediately after 'expression' function finishes. Ps: This function will only be called if 'expression' is defined.

       afterCalc: function(inputs){

expression: function


Callback processing each layer pixels to the resulting map. @param layersValue {Array} Array with the layers values, each layer in one position of the array. @param inputs {Object} Inputs defined to interact with the map.

       expression: function(layerVals, inputs){
         return layerVals[0] * 2;

onInputsReady: function


Callback function called after all inputs ready and loaded. PS: Its called even when the map is listed but not showing. @param inputs {Object} Inputs defined to interact with the map.

    onInputsReady: function (inputs) {
         console.log("All inputs are ready and loaded!");

insideOpacity: Array.<Numeric>


Set the inside layers opacity Array of 0~1 values one per layer.

     insideOpacity: [1.0, 0.1, 0.5],
Defaults to [1, 1, 1, ...]

exclusiveGroupDetails: String


Only one layer with the same exclusiveGroupDetails may have its details shown


onVisibilityChange: function


Callback on layer visibility change. @param visibility {Boolean} True on showing map False otherwise. @param inputs {Object} Object with the input manager object.

     onVisibilityChange: function (visibility, inputs){
         let text = "The map is ";
             text += "not ";
         console.log(text + "visible now!");

isCalculationPaused: function() : Boolean


Returns calculation status. True if calculations are paused, false otherwise.


attribution: String


#TODO VICTOR: Não consegui fazer funcionar Recognizes someone as the platform author. "Powered by: ..."


maxExtent: OpenLayers.Bounds


#TODO VICTOR: NÃO TESTADO checar se é assim que funciona Defines a geographical limit for map rendering.


visibility: Boolean


Defines whether the layer starts visible or not.

Defaults to false

opacity: Numeric


Defines the layer opacity. It requires values from 0 to 1.

Defaults to 1

minscale: Numeric


Limits the real min scale of a given layer. (When map scale is lower than this, the image is reused and is compressed CHECAR!!!!)


maxscale: Numeric


Limits the real max scale of a given layer. (When map scale exceed this, the image is reused and is stretched)


maxZoom: Numeric


Limits the real max zoom of a given layer. (When map zoom exceed this, the image is reused and is stretched)


type: String


Use as data source in any of supported types: 'load', 'csv', 'json' or 'default'. 'load': Function to use as callback on 'loadData' property. The user is responsible for load data directly on layer. 'csv': Url address to load csv file from. 'json': Json data directly itself. 'jsonurl': Url address to load json from

Defaults to "json"

title: String


Defines layer title, which is the name that is displayed in the menus to interact with a specific layer. Defaults to the map name

        title:"World map",

group: String


Defines which group is the layer associated with. Layers from the same group can't be active simultaneously.


visibility: Boolean


Defines the default layer visibility. If true the first time the platform is opened this layer will already be active

Defaults to false

metadataUrl: string|null


Change the url as layer metadata information. The default value is obtained from layer metadata from PS: The linked domain must have CORS headers enabled.


hideLegendButton: boolean


Defines the visibility of the subtitles container. True to hide the subtitles container, false otherwise. PS: Only works if the source is not local


toggleHandler: function()


Handler is the callback when the ToggleButton is clicked. Overwrite to call a custom function. PS: Using custom function ignore the associatedButtonID "It doesnt have to even exists".

      associatedButtonID: 'ignore',
      enableToggle: false,
      toggleHandler: function(btn, state) {
        alert("BTN Clicked" + btn + " toggleState: " + state);

handler: function()


Handler is the callback when the button is clicked. Overwrite to call a custom function. PS: Using custom function ignore the associatedButtonID "It doesnt have to even exists".

      associatedButtonID: 'ignore',
      enableToggle: false,
      handler: function(btn) {
        alert("BTN Clicked" + btn);

useLayerTooltip: Boolean


if true, it allows to use the tooltip of a map if its source attribute is calculate.


thumbUrl: String


Custom thumbnail URL, allows change the thumbnail of the map.


startLegendOpen: Boolean


Show layer with it legend container opened.


priority: Number


Defines layer priority. Higher priorities are rendered on top.


onClickViewGroup: function


Layer configuration to use layer group click callback. PS: Function executed in the node context. PS2: this.expanded True when its opened False otherwise.


onToggleViewGroup: function


Layer property to use the group toggle callback. PS: Function executed in the node context. PS2: this.expanded True when its openned False otherwise.


openGroup: Boolean


Define the group initial status. True to start expanded False otherwise.


startListed: Boolean


Define the initial listing layer state. True to start listing (on left side), False otherwise.


hideListing: Boolean


True to does not list this layer on the top menu, False otherwise.


openGroup: Boolean


Set a group to start open even without any visible layers. PS: If one layer is visible the group will start open.


hideButton: Boolean


#TODO VICTOR: Só FUNCIONA COM QUERY!!! Hide a button from the layer menu if used with "type:'query'".

      type: "query",
      hideButton: true,
      hideBottomButton: true

hideBottomButton: Boolean


Hide the buttons that appear when the layer is expanded. Which are the "Show query" and "Show Legend" buttons.

      type: "query",
      hideBottomButton: true

type: String


Define the button type. Types: associated: {associatedButtonID: 'ANOTHER_BUTTON_ID', type: 'associated'} Treat the layer button and the associated as the same button, so no matter which one is clicked both will receive the click event. query: {type: 'query'} This configuration allows the user to change the default query button behavior overriting his definition. download: {type: 'download', layerIndex: 0} Set what layer should be downloaded when more than one layer is shown by its internal layer index. metadata: {type: 'metadata', layerIndex: 0} Set the metadata button to show one of the inside composite layer by his index. PS: The layerIndex is from 0 to the quantity of layers in a composed map. PS2: The properties are aditional, so the common must always be present, and for each type his corresponding property must be added.

 paramsButtonConfig: [
       type: "query",
       pressed: true
       type: "metadata",
       layerIndex: 0
       type: "associated",
       associatedButtonID: "button_id",
       iconCls: "vertical-dots",
       pressed: false,
       tooltip: "tooltip_text",
       toggleGroup: undefined,
       enableToggle: false,
       handler: function() {}

iconCls: String


#TODO VICTOR: MUDAR DE LUGAR The class to add on the button. Ex: "icon-timeline-slider"

 paramsButtonConfig: [
       type: "associated",
       associatedButtonID: "button_id",
       iconCls: "vertical-dots",
       pressed: false,
       enableToggle: false,
       handler: function() {}

pressed: Boolean


#TODO VICTOR: MUDAR DE LUGAR True to indicate if the button starts pressed, False otherwise. Ex: true.

 paramsButtonConfig: [
       type: "associated",
       associatedButtonID: "button_id",
       iconCls: "vertical-dots",
       pressed: false,
       enableToggle: false,
       handler: function() {}

toggleGroup: String


#TODO VICTOR: MUDAR DE LUGAR Identify a group by name where only one button of the group can be pressed. Ex: 'onlyOneAtTime'

 paramsButtonConfig: [
       type: "associated",
       associatedButtonID: "button_id",
       iconCls: "vertical-dots",
       pressed: false,
       enableToggle: false,
       toggleGroup: "onlyOneAtTime",
       handler: function() {}

onHover: function


Add a hover callback. @param evt {Object} Features. @param state {Boolean} True when hover start, False when it ends. @param controller {Object} The controller itself. @param inputs {Object} Layer inputs.

     onHover: function (evt, state, controller, inputs) {
         console.log(state ? "Started": "Ended");

onClick: function


Adds a callback function to the click event. @param event {Object} The click event Object. @param source {VectorFileSource} Auxiliary functions to deal with Vector Layer. @param inputs {Array.<Object>} Array with all layer input values.

     onClick: function (event) {
         console.log("Triggered click event!");

onClickCfg: function


Allows to customize the Click Select controller. The additional parameters are listed in http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers/Control/SelectFeature-js.html. #checar tipa


fromProj: String


Allows declaring the projection of JSON (accepted only EPSG:4326 and EPSG:900913)


updateAutomatically: Boolean


#TODO VICTOR: Isso está certo? Defines whether the calculations are made automatically after user interaction with parameters or not.

Defaults to false

onLoad: function


Callback function after the layer is loaded or added to map. PS: Callback called on layer Context function(widgetValues)


popupTemplate: String


Function on popup. on callback param.


popupCallback: function


#TODO VICTOR: melhorar descrição Function on popup. on callback param. (attributes, inputs) Scope in layer. @param attributes {Array} attributes for popupCallback @param inputs {Array} inputs for popupCallback

     popupCallback: function (attributes, inputs) {

isCalculationPaused: function() : Boolean


Returns the current calculation status. If it is paused returns true. Ps: This one always returns true


getLayerDefinedFunctionsByName: function(name) : function|Undefined


Get layer inner function. Define layer inner function at VectorLayer. Ex: { name: 'CSR:map_name', function: { nameFunctionExample: function(){alert('a');} } } @param name {String} Function name


setDrawing: function(enabled, callbackOnAdd)


Controls drawing features on layer. PS: Function available to the VectorLayer. @param enabled {Boolean} True to enable drawing, False otherwise. @param callbackOnAdd {function} Callback when a new feature is drew. function(vectorLayer, drawEvent) vectorLayer: Current layer. drawEvent: The info of the added polygon. PS: This callback function is called on layer scope.


loadGeojson: function()


Função para carregar geojson pra desenhar no layer


clusterDistance: Numeric


Set the minimum relative (pixel) distance to clusterize points. Set 0 to never clusterize, or a value greater than 0 to set the minimum distance. PS: When filters were applied you can use the property 'count' to check how many points exists in the current cluster.


getLonLat: function


Define the function to parse the data to get the geometry. Callback Function getVector function(attribute, config) @param attribute {Object} Object with attributes. @param config {Object} Layer config.


convertJsonEntryToFeature: function(curObj, optionalGetLonLat) : OpenLayers.Feature.Vector


Help to convert a JsonObject into a Layer Feature (can be added to layer). @param curObj {JsonObject} Object with properties. @param optionalGetLonLat {function} Optional function to get position coordinates from JSON. PS: Optional function to get X,Y values from Obj. (By default Longitude and Latitude use fields: lon and lat) function(curObj) returns OpenLayers.LonLat curObj: Object with JSON properties. This function receive the 'curObj' and expects to returns the object properties.


styleMap: Object


This attribute allows you to customize the layer visualization. (advanced parameter, is easier to use selectedStyle, defaultStyle and hoverStyle) It can be: undefined, a Config Object or an OpenLayers.StyleMap PS: Hover uses 'temporary' style.

StyleMap{[default, select, temporary]: Style {rules:[Rule,], context: {getRadius: function() {return Math.random()}}}

onFeatureChangeCallback: function


Callback when a layer feature is added, removed or edited. onFeatureChangeCallback: function (operationType, arrFeatures) operationType: {String} Receive the operation type: 'add' or 'remove' when adding or removing respectively. arrFeatures: Array of features affected.


onBeforeFeatureChangeCallback: function


Callback before a layer feature is added, removed or edited. onBeforeFeatureChangeCallback: function(operationType, arrFeatures) operationType: {String} Receive the operation type: 'add' or 'remove' when adding or removing respectively. arrFeatures: Array of features affected. PS: Return false cancel the change operation.


onAdded: function


Callback function called when the layer is added to layer list. AddedEvent { element: {DOM} 'DOM element of the layer', layer: {OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} 'Javascript Object of the layer', map: {Map} 'MapPanel where the layer was added.', type: {String} 'Type of the event ( added )' }


defaultStyle: Object


Default style for the geometry. (PS: Accept 'context' and 'rules') Look at some examples at: http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/ PS: property 'context': allows definition of functions, PS2: property 'rules': allows definition of filters (only the geometries that fit into this rule will be displayed).

[{color: '${getColor}', context: {getColor: function(attr){return 'green';} }]

selectStyle: Object


Style for the selected geometry. (PS: Accept 'context' and 'rules') PS: Selected depends on 'onClick' property that allows to select. Look at some examples at: http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/ PS: property 'context': allows definition of functions, PS2: property 'rules': allows definition of filters (only the geometries that fit into this rule will be displayed).

[{color: '${getColor}', context: {getColor: function(attr){return 'green';} }]

hoverStyle: Object


Style for geometry when mouse is hovering. (PS: Accept 'context' and 'rules') PS: Hover depends on 'onHover' property that allows to hovering. Look at some examples at: http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/ PS: property 'context': allows definition of functions, PS2: property 'rules': allows definition of filters (only the geometries that fit into this rule will be displayed).

[{color: '${getColor}', context: {getColor: function(attr){return 'green';} }]

url: String


Define the url where the map can be fetched. Use ${x} ${y} ${z} as placeholder for x,y,z coordinates.


name: String


Defines map identifier. This name should be unique.

        source: "xyz",

source: Object


#TODO VICTORD: CHECAR TIPO Add a layer to store source. PS: LayerConfig { url: url, name: name, isBaseLayer: isBaseLayer, sphericalMercator: sphericalMercator } @param layerCfg {LayerConfig} Layer XYZ configuration. LayerConfig { url: url, name: name, isBaseLayer: isBaseLayer, sphericalMercator: sphericalMercator }


onLoad: function


Função de callback quando o store é carregado com sucesso.


onError: function


Função de callback quando o store falha o carregamento.

Helper Functions

Set of functions that help creating map interactions

otherNames: String


Define adittional maps to be available for the query, wich will be listed in the filtered stored capabilities. PS: This property is to use along with the 'capabilities' option, wich filter the GetCapabilities cache only the maps in use. (Performance Optimization, faster loading).

     name: "CSR:estados,CSR:airports",
     otherNames: "CSR:municipios,CSR:rodovias",
     beforeCalc: function(layerVals, inputVals) {
         this.changeLayers([{name: 'CSR:municipios', styles: fMapName + "_1", index: 0},
             {name: 'CSR:rodovias', styles: 'rodovias_1', index: 1}]);

  Change layer needs the definition of the 4 maps: 'estados', 'airports', 'municipios' and 'rodovias'. If the othernames is not defined only the maps at 'name' property will be available and the changeLayers for 'municipios' and 'rodovias' will not know about these maps.
  PS: (This issue only works outside of the editor because editor never use the filtered GetCapabilities response.)

changeLayers: function(newConfig, force)


Change a internal layer in a given index by another. PS: Its highly recommended to pass multiple configuration in a array, avoid call this function multiple times in the same callback. @param newConfig {Array|Object} One or more layers configurations with a property 'index' indicating the replacing layer. Each config object must contain at least the following properties: [{name: 'MAP_FULL_NAME', styles: 'MAP_STYLE', index: 'MAP_INDEX_TO_CHANGE'}, ... ] @param force {Boolean} Force redraw even if no change is done when the layer is the same.


getHighchartById: function(id) : Object


Get the highchart by its DOM id. @param id {String} Id of the highchart.


escapeRegExp: function(str) : String


Escape regular expression special characters from a string. Escape characters are '-', '[', ']', '/', '{', '}', '(', ')', '*', '+', '?', '.', '\', '^', '$', '|'. @param str {String} Expression to be escaped


log: function(msg, config)


Shows an user notification (if enabled). PS: The messages before layer loading are delayed, when it finishes only the last message will be shown. @param msg {String} Notification HTML content. @param config {Object} Message configuration parameters. {force: {Boolean} Force to show notification even when disabled. func: {Callback} Callback function when the notification is clicked. onlyMsg: {Boolean} True to only show message and hide the close and the stop notifications, False otherwise. delay: {Numeric} Amout of time in milisseconds before the message hide. spamTime: {Numeric} Time the same message to be shown again is considered spam. (even with force = true). }


alert: function(msg)


Shows an user non blocking alert. PS: If layer is loading only the last message will be shown after load end. @param msg {String} Notification HTML content.


runOnceLayerVisible: function(layer, callback)


Function that ensures that a function is called after layer is rendered. If the layer is already visible, the function is executed immediately. This may cause problems, for example, highcharts recognize it as an error. @param layer {OpenLayers.Layer} Layer that has to be rendered. @param callback {function} Function to be called.


addLayer: function(cfg)


Properly add layer from its definition. @param cfg {Object} Layer definition


addRemoteWMSServer: function(wmsDefinitions, QUERY_DESCRIPTION) : boolean


Function to add custom remote servers. @param wmsDefinitions {Object} A object with all custom WMS definitions. The object could contain the following properties: *url: {String} Url of the source (Mandatory). ?cors: {Boolean} True to accept (Cross Domain Request Security) CORS for servers without permission, False otherwise. ?updateWMS: {Boolean} True to purge the WMS cache and get the updated content, False otherwise. (Useful to avoid long waitings) ?storage: {String} Name of the storage service, supported services so far: 'github'. Storage type tips: 'github': The Github contenct directly. 'jsdelivr': The jsDelivr cache the results to force a instantly update the user could use different release version. Tutorial about creating releases: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-releases After creating the user could append @VERSION_NUMBER to the URL to force updating the map cache. @param QUERY_DESCRIPTION {ConfigLayer} Array Array of layers in the query. Usage: ExtjsUtils.QUERY.setQueryGlobalProperties({globalCount: 0}) && QUERY_DESCRIPTION


setQueryGlobalProperties: function(globalProperties, QUERY_DESCRIPTION) : bool


A function that allows to define custom global functions that can be used in order to define properties or even inside the functions callbacks. PS: All properties defined here are added to the global scope and are removed when the query is changed. @param globalProperties {Object} Object The object that all his functions will became globals, each property can be a value or a object or evan a function. @param QUERY_DESCRIPTION {ConfigLayer} Array Array of layers in the query. Usage: ExtjsUtils.QUERY.setQueryGlobalProperties({globalCount: 0}) && QUERY_DESCRIPTION


onExternalMessage: function()


its a window message


decorate: function(pageProperties)


Allows to define custom properties to decorate the page, allowing to add headers and footers, change the top bar color, and other settings. @param pageProperties {Object} Object with the custom properties to customize the page.


shapefile2GeojsonAsync: function(shpFile, paramOptions)


Parse shapefile to compatible Layer features. DBF file is optional. PS:ParamOptions { callback: {Function} 'Callback function with parsed shapefile' function(layer, parsedGeojson, originalData), fromProj: {String?} 'Projection name.' (EPSG:4326 or EPSG:900913), dbf: (Optional?)'DBF file to load along with shapefile.', limitCount: (Optional?)'Limit the amount of processed geometries' } @param shpFile {File} Shapefile content (Needs to be in projection EPSG:4326 or EPSG:900913. @param paramOptions {ParamOptions} Additional configuration for handling shapefile. ParamOptions { callback: {Function} 'Callback function with parsed shapefile' function(layer, parsedGeojson, originalData), fromProj: {String?} 'Projection name.' (EPSG:4326 or EPSG:900913), dbf: (Optional?)'DBF file to load along with shapefile.', limitCount: (Optional?)'Limit the amount of processed geometries' }


limitZoomLevel: function()


Sets the maximum zoom level.


getLayersRecord: function(layerName, storeName) : Array.<Ext.data.Record>|Ext.data.Record|Null


Gets store layer information from its full name. PS: Parameter must be the full layer name such as: 'CSR:estados' or 'CSR:altimetria'. @param layerName {String} Optional Full layer name to look for, otherwise will return all records. (Leave it blank to get all records) @param storeName {String} Optional name to look only in a specific sources for 'layerName'. (Fill it to prevent from searching in all stores)


abbreviateNumber: function(value, useFixed, abbreviateNumbers) : Number|String


Auxiliary function to shorten the display of numbers. PS: The number loses a little precision but becomes more meaningful. @param value {Number} Value to be displayed. @param useFixed {Number} If set it will limit the number of decimal places, otherwise it will use the default value. @param abbreviateNumbers {Array.<Number>} Number suffix name.


isLocalUrl: function(url) : Boolean


Identify if the 'url' is from the localhost or is from the maps.csr.ufmg.br domain. PS: If url is left blank it uses the current site url. @param url {String} String with the url to be checked.

ExtjsUtils.REQUEST.isLocalUrl() // true
ExtjsUtils.REQUEST.isLocalUrl("www.google.com") // false

postMessage: function(jsStr)


Send message to parent Window. ( Compatible with MappiaIO library ) Allows communication between iframe and parent window. @param jsStr {Object|String} Object to be sent from inside iframe to parent MappiaIO.


External Libraries

External libraries that may be useful for creating data visualisation


Widgets that can be used to create interactions or load data to the application, they must be used in descriptionHtml and its parameters should be passed preceded by vertical bars. 
    descriptionHtml: '\{\{widgetIdentifier|paramName=paramValue\}\}',

    descriptionHtml: '\{\{button|id=btn_id|enableToggle=false\}\}' + '\{\{opacityslider\}\}',

id: String


ID to identify this object.


text: String


Button text.

|text=Click On Me|

fieldLabel: String


Button label.

|fieldLabel=A button|

pressed: Boolean


Button state. True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true)

Defaults to false

enableToggle: Boolean


Button type, true to toggle false otherwise. When true the callback called is toggleHandler, otherwise the handler is called.

Defaults to false

checked: Boolean


True to start the hoverPixel enable, false otherwise.

|checked = true|
Defaults to false

reverseLegend: Boolean


Sort the legend on the decreasing order.

|reverseLegend = true|
Defaults to false

preventClick: Boolean


Defines state of filtering map by clicking at its legend. True to ignore the legend click, false otherwise.

|preventClick = true|
Defaults to false

filterLayers: Array


Array of indexes of layers to be included in map legend (from 0 to quantity of layers). If not defined, all layer legends are shown. Otherwise, only the indexes according to layer are included. Ex: A composed layer with three maps: name: "CSR:estados,CSR:roads,CSR:municipalities", If 'filterLayers=[1,2]' is in the layer object only the legends of 'CSR:roads' and 'CSR:municipalities' are shown.

|filterLayers = [1,2]|
Defaults to null

legendId: String


Keep the legend container ID. (Use this id to toggle each legend filter individually.)

Defaults to null

values: Array


Property to define the slider interval limits

|values = [0, 250]|

value: String


Set the initial tool content.

|value = text|

isnumeric: boolean


Assures that the text content is a numeric string.


fieldLabel: String


Field label.

|fieldLabel = This is the field label|

style: String


Element style properties.

|style = color:black;|

hideLabel: Boolean


true to completely hide the label element (label and separator). Defaults to false. By default, even if you do not specify a fieldLabel the space will still be reserved so that the field will line up with other fields that do have labels. Setting this to true will cause the field to not reserve that space.

|hideLabel = true|
Defaults to false

pointVisibility: Boolean


Default true to show where the last click was. (True to show, False to Hide)

|pointVisibility = false|
Defaults to true

unselect: Boolean


Set if automatically disable after each click. (Default True, set False to not automatically disable).

|unselect = true|
Defaults to true

markLayerInd: Number


The layer index of the layer to draw his geometry.

|markLayerInd = 0|

onefeature: boolean


Keep only the last feature selected.

|onefeature = false|

steps: Array.<Array.<(Object|String)>>


Define the timeline change steps.


onPlayToggle: function


Callback function when the timeline start/stop playing. @param pressed {Boolean} True if the button was pressed, False otherwise. @param layer {Object} The layer associated to this timeline. @param timeline {Object} The timeline associated. @param playBtn {Object} The button changed.

|onPlayToggle = function (pressed, layer, timeline, playBtn) {
     let text = "The timeline just ";
     text += pressed ? "stopped " : "started ";
     text += "playing!";

renderHidden: Boolean


Defines the timeline default visibility. True to start with the timeline hidden.

|renderHidden = true|
Defaults to false

preloadTiles: Boolean


Defines if the timeline should load the tiles of the next steps to get smoother transitions.

|preloadTiles = true|
Defaults to false

ignoreUpdate: Boolean


Ignore the widget change event ( False to dispatch update event at every file selection )


eventNames: Array.<string>


List of events by name, use this property to define callback functions to any of the following events.

['added', 'afterrender', 'beforedestroy', 'beforehide', 'beforerender', 'beforeshow', 'beforestaterestore',
'beforestatesave', 'blur', 'change', 'destroy', 'disable', 'enable', 'focus', 'hide', 'invalid', 'move', 'removed', 'render',
'resize', 'show', 'specialkey', 'staterestore', 'statesave', 'valid']

description: function(name, config, layer, parameters) : Ext.Container


Create an input of summatory in any arbitrary area. CallBack parameters (context {OpenLayers.Layer}, layersValues {Array[Number]}, inputs {[Object]}, feature {Geometry}) runOnClick {Function} Callback called exactly after sum the map region., PS: 'layersValues' return the sum of each internal layer and an adittional value which is the sum of all pixels of resulting layer. @param name {String} Input name "summedarea". @param config {Object} Properties to customize the element. @param layer {OpenLayers.Layer} Layer which the widget is defined. @param parameters {Array} Array de parametros antes do processamento para o input.


height: number


The window initial height.

|height = 600px|

onBeforeHide: function


Callback function to be called before hiding the floating window. @param layer {Object} Scope of the layer @param data {Array} [window, button, windowConfig] window: Window object; button: Button created; windowConfig: Window object configuration

|onBeforeHide = function (layer, [window, button, windowConfig]){
 console.log([window, button, windowConfig]);

width: number


The window initial width.

|width = 600px|

title: String


The title of the window.

|title = Title of the Window|
Defaults to Window

id: String


The id of the div of the window (where the content can be drawn).

|id = window-div-id|

text: string


Define the button text.

|text = I am a button|
Defaults to Show/Hide Window

btnID: String


Define the id of the button that controls the window visibility.

|btnID = window-button-id|

windowID: String


Defines the window ID.

|windowID = window-id|

startVisible: Boolean


True if the window should start visible or false otherwise.

|startVisible = false|

ignoreVisibility: Boolean


Ignore the layer visibility toggle. True to window show or hide ignoring the layer visibility, False otherwise. PS: This 'ignoreVisibility' is not compatible with the 'associatedButtonID' property, when both are used together this value is ignored.

|ignoreVisibility = false|

underButtons: Boolean


If true set the initial position of the window as under the right buttons panel.

|underButtons = false|

x: Number


Initial absolute X position of the window. PS: Can be overwritten if defined together with 'underButtons' property.


y: Number


Initial absolute Y position of the window. PS: Can be overwritten if defined together with 'underButtons' property.


resize: function


Callback function to be called when the floating window is resized.

|resize = function (){
 console.log("I was resized!");